autoDSM is a generative twitter bot trained on the DSM to create infinite, fragmentary, faulty diagnoses. Intended as an experiment in poetic meaning-making, this bot (like my other DSM-related experiments) is intended to de-sanitize and re-imagine a systematic text, injecting it with poetry that can only be interpreted by the reader.
- All 14
- 3D printing 1
- animation 5
- audio 2
- bots 3
- Collaboration 4
- design 1
- digital fabrication 2
- experimental 3
- film/video 9
- found footage 1
- hardware 3
- immersive 1
- installation 2
- laser cutting 1
- Processing 1
- projection mapping 1
- python 1
- responsive 2
- satire 1
- software 6
- speculative 1
- text generation 1
- visual 1
- workshop 2
- writing 3